Sunday, September 13, 2009

Good dreams bring good tomorrows. Night world.
Good dreams bring good tomorrows. Night world. @readytorest

Saturday, September 12, 2009

So many things to say...

Just thought I'd express myself a bit while I work...

Kipp and I have been writing diligently for the last few days. There is so much to say within this album. It's exciting. We're covering everything from "knowing your calling and embracing the gift that you've been given" to "love and personal loss." The characters in the album are really starting to come to life, and that tells me that we are doing something right :)

Anyway, just wanted to put that out there. I'm gonna get back to it. Be well. Talk again soon.

And we're off to another day of writing!
Gonna watch the tele and fall asleep. Night ;)

Friday, September 11, 2009

Check out the new blogger page for my band Sownds!

The Debut Album

Hello friends! Thanks for stopping by our blogger page. We will try to keep you updated as often as possible.

My name is Morgan Ganem, I will probably be the one on here most of the time. Kipp Clodfelter and I founded Sownds just a few months ago. We are in the process of writing our debut album for Sownds! The exciting news is that we are planning to writing the music as a concept album, so it will take you on an audible journey.

Right now we can't reveal to you what the overall theme of the album will be but, I can tell you that it's going to keep you on the edge of your seat and make you think all the way through. We are grateful to all of you for your support and hope to have the album finished soon. Shortly after the album is finalized, we will be hitting the road. So let us know if you would like to see us perform in your town! Thanks again.

Sownds Vox

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